SDG 1:
END POVERTY:From the 5 areas
of PICIP we work to overcome the conditions of poverty in all its
dimensions in the communities where we operate, fostering resilience,
training for collective action and construction of citizenship, so that
more and moremen, women and boys and girls of all ages have access to
comprehensive education, primary health care, enjoy the means of
production and empowerment of women.
SDG 2:
ZERO HUNGER:Through the area of Community Health and
of the productive project of an agricultural farm, from the model of
agroecology, and the industrial sewing workshop, we seek to put an end to hunger and
ensure people's access to healthy, nutritious and
enough throughout the year, doubling agricultural productivity and
income of small-scale food producers, among other things,
through access to land,
production resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services,
markets and opportunities for the generation of added value and jobs
agricultural. Ensuring the sustainability of the production systems of
food and applied resilient agricultural practices that increase the
productivity and production, contribute to the maintenance of ecosystems,
strengthening the capacity to adapt to climate change, the phenomena
extreme weather events, droughts, floods and other disasters, and
progressively improve soil and land quality.
SDG 3:
HEALTH AND WELL-BEING:With the Health area
Community, from health promotion and disease prevention,
focusing on the social determinants of health, we seek to contribute to the
reducing rates of non-communicable diseases through
prevention and promote mental health and well-being. Strengthen prevention
and substance abuse treatment, including the misuse of
drugs and harmful use of alcohol. Through the management of
health services and articulation with the 3 orders of government, we seek
guarantee universal access to sexual and reproductive health services,
including family planning, information and education, and
integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs
ODS 4:
EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD:Desde la metodología
de educación integral, a través del dispositivo de ludoteca, abordaje del
rezago educativo, la promoción lectora y las escuelas de inclusión
infanto-juvenil), e impacto en políticas públicas para el bien común, gestiones
ante la Secretaría de Educación del Estado para la adecuación de los servicios
educativos acordes a las características y densidad demográfica, buscamos
asegurar que todas las niñas y todos los niños terminen la enseñanza primaria y
secundaria, que ha de ser gratuita, equitativa y de calidad y producir
resultados de aprendizaje pertinentes y efectivos y también que se construyan o
adecuen las instalaciones educativas que tengan en cuenta las necesidades de
los niños y las personas con discapacidad y las diferencias de género, y que
ofrezcan entornos de aprendizaje seguros, no violentos, inclusivos y eficaces
para todos, así como asegurar que todos los jóvenes y una proporción
considerable de los adultos, tanto hombres como mujeres, estén alfabetizados y
tengan nociones elementales de aritmética,. Con los talleres de formación para
el trabajo (inglés cómputo, herrería y carpintería), la capacitación y
acompañamiento técnico y educación financiera de los grupos de base
productivos, buscamos aumentar considerablemente el número de jóvenes y adultos
que tienen las competencias necesarias, en particular técnicas y profesionales,
para acceder al empleo, el trabajo decente y el emprendimiento. Desde las 5
áreas del PICIP, capacitando metodológicamente a los grupos de base (promotores
y grupos productivos), buscamos asegurar que los habitantes adquieran los
conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios para promover el desarrollo
sostenible, entre otras cosas mediante la educación para el desarrollo
sostenible y los estilos de vida sostenibles, los derechos humanos, la igualdad
de género, la promoción de una cultura de paz y no violencia, la ciudadanía
mundial y la valoración de la diversidad cultural y la contribución de la
cultura al desarrollo sostenible.
ODS 5:
IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO:Desde las 5 áreas y
sus 13 líneas de acción del PICIP trabajamos en los ejes transversales de
cultura de la paz, perspectiva de derecho y de género relacional e incluyente,
para promover el fin a todas las formas de discriminación contra todas las
mujeres y las niñas, asegurar la participación plena y efectiva de las mujeres
y la igualdad de oportunidades de liderazgo a todos los niveles decisorios en
la vida política, económica y pública, asegurar el acceso universal a la salud
sexual y reproductiva y los derechos reproductivos según lo acordado de
conformidad con el Programa de Acción de la Conferencia Internacional sobre la
Población y el Desarrollo, la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing y los documentos
finales de sus conferencias de examen.
SDG 6:
community life, in neighborhood circles of democratic citizen participation
and the health area, we promote and train management to support and strengthen
the involvement of local communities in improving water management
and sanitation, achieving access to sanitation and hygiene services
adequate and equitable for all and end open defecation,
paying particular attention to the needs of women and girls and
people in situations of vulnerability, as well as seeking that the waters
residuals are treated. Also the productive unit of agricultural farm
works to improve water quality by reducing pollution, without
dumping of chemical products and hazardous materials, promoting the
recycling and reuse without risk to the community.
SDG 8:
PICIP and its 13 lines of action seek to achieve higher levels of
economic productivity through diversification, modernization
technology and innovation, inter alia by focusing on sectors with
great added value and intensive use of labor, promoting the development and formalization of
productive activities, the creation of decent jobs, the
entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and
the growth of local microenterprises. With the sewing workshop, the farm
agriculture and the entrepreneurship of blacksmithing and carpentry as units
productive, we seek to progressively improve the production and consumption
efficient use of resources and seek to decouple economic growth from
environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-Year Framework of Programs on
modalities of Sustainable Consumption and Production. In the network of promoters
community and the formation of a civil association we seek to achieve the
full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men
men, including youth and people with disabilities, as well as the
equal pay for work of equal value. With the activities of
comprehensive education and training for work in the area of inclusion
child-juvenile, we seek to considerably reduce the proportion of young people
who are not employed and do not study or receive training.
SDG 10:
areas of the PICIP we seek to enhance and promote social, economic and
policy of all people, regardless of age, sex,
disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or economic status or other
SDG 11:
of Community Life, with its 3 lines of action, we seek to promote and
managing inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for
participatory, integrated and sustainable planning and management of
community, promoting the reduction of the negative environmental impact per capita,paying particular attention to air quality and waste management
municipal and otherwise, we also seek to contribute to providing access
universal green areas and safe, inclusive and accessible public spaces,
particularly for women and children, the elderly and people
disabled. In intersectoral and interinstitutional synergies we seek
support positive economic, social and environmental linkages between
urban, peri-urban and rural areas, strengthening the planning of the
regional development.
SDG 12:
areas of the PICIP, in its lines of training and comprehensive education and
especially of the 3 productive units generated, we seek to reduce
considerably the generation of waste through prevention activities,
reduction, recycling and reuse, ensuring that the people involved
of all activities have the
information and knowledge relevant to sustainable development and
lifestyles in harmony with nature.
SDG 16:
PICIP areas, from the transversal line of law perspective,
we promote the rule of law, the adoption at all levels of decisions
inclusive, participatory and representative that respond to needs.
At PICIP we work with the state civil registry to provide
access to a legal identity for all, in particular through registration
of births. We promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies in
favor of sustainable development.
SDG 17
Strategic Alliances for Development
Sustainable Community: in the 5 areas of PICIP we promote,
we manage and articulate alliances with the three sectors to enhance the
impact of the program for the benefit of the community, taking advantage of the experience and strategies for obtaining resources from
the alliances.